The SATRA Ethical Charter

Sabah Trail Running Association


SaTRA registered as a Sports Body on 18 June 2017 Under the Sports Development Act 1997 with Registration Number 02/6030/2017 (SBH). Inspiration for the creation of a charter of ethics for runner’s and race directors/event organizers and stakeholders comes from the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) and the values in which SATRA wishes to introduce within the trail running community.

Equality, respect for other people and the environment, mutual assistance and solidarity are fundamental principles of the ITRA charter.

The SATRA ethical charter shall form the backbone of all trail running events in which a system of honesty, integrity, and an understanding of what trail running values are shall be the guiding principles for all events in Sabah.

These principles and values will also apply to runners, event organizers and race directors of trail running in Sabah.


Trail-running is a pedestrian race open to all, in a natural environment (mountain, desert, forest, plain etc.) with minimal possible paved or asphalt road (which should not exceed 20% of the total course). The terrain can vary (dirt roads, village gravel roads, single track jungle trails, trails through villages and plantations) and the route must be properly marked. The race is held in respect of sporting ethics, loyalty, solidarity and the environment.

Classification of Trail running races

  • Trail: Under 42 km
  • Trail Ultra Medium (M): 42 km to 69 km
  • Trail Ultra Long (L): 70 km to 99 km
  • Trail Ultra XLong (XL): 100 km and more
  • "Properly marked" means that the runners will receive enough information to complete the race without getting lost.  That includes physical markings (Marking tape, signage)and as an option, GPS tracks and map indications for technical races.

    "Self-sufficiency or semi self-sufficiency" means that the runner has to be autonomous between aid stations, regarding clothing, communications, food and drink.

    Definition of self-sufficiency and semi self-sufficiency.

    Self-sufficiency; Whereby a runner is expected to carry all the necessary items needed in order to complete the race between start and finish. A runner will be provided clean drinking water on the race course at key locations within reasonable distances and reasonable elevation gains at staggered intervals along a race course.

    Semi-self-sufficiency: Whereby a runner is expected to carry all the necessary items needed in order to complete the race between start and finish but will be provided clean drinking water and meals as well as basic assistance on the race course within reasonable distances and reasonable elevation gains at staggered intervals along a race course.


    To develop, encourage and promote the sport of Steeplechase at the state level.

    To plan and develop athletes, officials, coaches and unearth new talent.

    To represent the state of Sabah in the governing body at the municipal level representing the sport of steeplechase.

    To join the governing body at the national level.

    To encourage sports development at the grassroots level through the establishment/acceptance of district-level coalition member.

    Trail-Running Ethics for Trail Runners

    Race Oganizer's Ethics charter & Obligations

    A race or event organizer shall be referred to as an organizer in this charter and a race director shall be referred to as a Race Director. This charter shall cover both the trail running event and the Ultra Trail Marathon event.

    Responsibilities of SATRA

    SATRA may be invited to act as a mediator in the event of any disputes between the organizer and...

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    Responsibilities of Race Organizers

    The organizer shall state officially on their event website/brochures:...

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    River Crossings

    An organizer is responsible in monitoring weather conditions in the lead up to an... 

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    Trail-Run Sanctioning Procedure For Organizer

    The organizer shall submit to SATRA the following details and information up to 1 year before an event date for a trail run event:

  • A completed registration form and payment of RM250 preliminary sanctioning fee which is non-refundable.
  • A route map for each category including elevation chart and course data indicating:
  • Estimated total distance for each category
  • Total elevation gain for each category
  • Total Distance/Elevation gain between each water station and Cut off times
  • Indicate on maps with a red circle of any potential river crossings on foot
  • A copy of the Mandatory kit list for runners participating in the event
  • A complete list of prizes to be awarded for each category and gender for the event
  • Event itinerary (including start times/expected finish times for each category)
  • Number of participants expected per category
  • Entry fee structure per category
    • SATRA shall reply with an official letter of endorsement including sanctioning within 14 days after submission of the above documents to the organiser via email if there are no objections to the application or documents submitted for the planned event provided by an organizer to the association.

      If SATRA feel the organizer needs to re-evaluate its event routes or to review safety protocols or if SATRA is not comfortable with an aspect of the event after the submission of the above documentations for sanctioning purposes, SATRA shall inform the organiser officially soon as possible to go over any issues and request any technical changes.

      If after discussions SATRA would like an organizer to re-consider their event route or safety protocols, SATRA will issue the organizer with an official letter stating what aspects of the race they would like to see changed. An organizer shall re-submit their documentation/maps/course data as requested before the event date according to a deadline given by SATRA.

      The organizer will receive via email a SATRA sanctioning logo with permit number which must be applied to the event website if approval is given for the event and on all event posters, advertising and materials used to promote the event after the sanctioning date till the end of the event only. The SATRA sanctioning logo may not be used after the event date.

      SATRA will add the event to its official list of sanctioned races on its website and via social media.

      An organizer shall email SATRA a complete competitor’s name list at least 24 hours before an event start date which includes BIB NUMBER/FULL NAME/NATIONALITY/GENDER according to category in a excel spreadsheet for all competitors competing in the event.

    • If there is a need by an organizer to amend or adjust a race course route, and to modify the distances of the event or categories due to factors beyond their control, they may do so for the safety of runners and volunteers. If this needs to be done in the lead up to an event, the organizer should inform SATRA by email officially and to explain the reasons why the course change or distance changes are necessary and to re-submit a simple course data package which includes the new event distances, elevation gains and revised distances between water stations. This can be done up to 72 hours before an event.

    • For race course modifications just before a start or during a race due to factors beyond the control of the organizer and in the interest of safety, the organizer may modify the course as necessary bearing in mind the well being and safety of runner’s and volunteers and shall send an SMS to SATRA to inform them of the need to make course changes before the start of the event. A brief reason should be given in the SMS to SATRA for their update.

      Any modifications of a race course before or during a race shall be done as to increase the level of safety of runner’s and not to compromise runners’ safety.

      A simple report shall be submitted by the organizer to SATRA explaining what changes needed to be made and for what reason after the race when submitting event results to SATRA.

    • The organizer shall submit to SATRA the following details and information within 10 days after the event has finished for a trail run event the following details:

      A complete set of results by category and gender on excel spreadsheet by category which includes:

      1.Full name
      4.Finish Time
      5.SATRA membership number (runners)
    • An event organizer may not collect race entry fees or to sell packages for the event until preliminary approval has been attained from SATRA.Laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit amet justo. Mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel. Tincidunt eget nullam non nisi est sit amet. Turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque.

      The SATRA preliminary sanctioning logo shall be displayed on the event website once officially sanctioning has been approved and on all social media outlets including posters, buntings and advertising for the duration of the lead up to the event date and conclusion of the event only. The SATRA sanctioning logo may not be used again for that event unless a fresh application is submitted again and approval has been granted.

      Misuse and abuse of the SATRA logo or SATRA sanctioning logo may result in a suspension from event sanctioning and a warning from SATRA. Suspension and a ban from organizing events may follow if this illegal practice is done more than once by the same organizer. The SATRA logo’s must be respected as must the sanctioning logo.

    • The collection of donations from runner’s via entry fees for trail running events for a designated charity or charities may be done provided:

      Any event organized in the name of “Charity” shall have a minimum donation percentage from all race fees collected of 30%. The name or names of the charities to be awarded any donations must be clearly indicated on the event website, in all correspondences with the media, SATRA, the police and the running community.

      The percentage of donations to be paid out to a charity or charities from entry fees collected for the event must be stated in the terms and conditions of the event. The cost of event tee’s, finisher tee’s and event finisher medals shall not be calculated from the minimum 30% of funds to be channelled to a charity but from the remaining 70% of entry fees collected.

      At the end of the event, the organizer is obligated to email a scanned excel report of the number of participants who paid entry fees for the event, the amount of money collected and the amount of money to be donated to the charity or charities. This can be done within a 30 day period of the end of the event.

      Donation of the 30% of entry fees collected must be completed within a 30 days period of the end of an event and a scanned copy of the donated amount must be emailed to SATRA in the form of a bank slip or official receipt from the charity or charities that received the donations clearly stating the amount donated in Malaysia Ringgit and to whom the payment has been made to.

      Clear charity body to be listed by the organiser.